Thursday, January 12, 2012

Gila Hidup: Dapat 3 Bayi Setahun

Its the more, the merrier when it comes to polygamy in Kenya. In the Marakwet district, your wealth is measured by the size of your land, livestock and of course, your family. Thirty-year-old Julius, with his 33 children from four wives, may call himself a rich man.


Gila Pelik: Baby Biru Di Bolivia

Aku pon tak faham sebab pe dia buat..Blauwe Baby(blue baby syndrome)


Gila Otai: Orang Pakistan Cakap Orang Cukur Bulu Pussy


Gila Hidup: Lelaki 6 Isteri Di Peru

Monogamy? An absurd social imposition, according to the Peruan Bandani. He has six wives, who are all allowed to spend one day per week alone with him. In the remaining time they're busy running the seven-headed household.


Gila Fesyen: Orang Jepun Nak Jadi Orang Hitam

A pale skin resembles beauty in Japan, but that no longer doesn't count for everyone. Hina lives her life according to the 'B-style', or the 'black lifestyle'. This includes going to the tanning salon regularly to become as dark as American hip hop artists.


Gila Seram: Tinggal Bersama Mayat


Gila Sangap: Raja Masturbation
